Clearing Distortion, Dis-Ease and Suffering with Wayshower Tawnya Love

October 13th, 2023

Day 217 of 365 Days of Mindfulness Mastery

Blessings Soul Family,

If we as a collective society wish to heal, align and thrive we must stop rewarding and condoning misaligned behavior. As long as WE tolerate, accept and allow misaligned humans to lead us WE will continue the cycle of confusion, abuse and corruption.

WE must become aware of our own inner guidance and awareness rather than perpetuating the cycle of confusion by seeking our guidance outside of ourselves. WE must stop the madness of blindly following Anyone just because they are loud, dramatic, intimidating or popular. This is the equivalent of allowing a screaming cranky toddler the power of leading our lives for us. It’s insane.

WE must be bold and courageous in walking our unique path with no neediness for approval or ego stroking. WE must heed and honor the inner wisdom we receive by tuning in consciously to Source for guidance and direction. WE must remember that WE can always choose to listen to understand or WE can choose to Not listen and arrogantly charge ahead with no awareness, alignment or honor for ourselves, one another or OUR Sacred planet.

These choices matter, every choice is an act of creation be it conscious or Not. WE must pay attention to what OUR thoughts, words and actions are creating. And if we observe chaos and sickness and distortion WE must choose higher choices or what WE will come to understand as The Loving choice.

All is Love. WE either create and then experience Love, or WE unconsciously create from fear and ignorance and continue the cycles of suffering within ourselves and then often project this suffering onto other unconscious beings. This can simply be viewed as a Missed Opportunity for Love. With no need for shame, pain or judgement. These choices will always keep US enslaved within the illusion of suffering.

Every moment offers each and every one of us another Sacred Opportunity to choose Love and to remember that WE are Love in motion.

Namaste ✨🙏✨ Tawnya Love & Source Oneness

✨ MindfulnessMastery888.Com ✨

Beautiful Client Testimonial

I AM Always Sooooo Grateful to share my amazing clients testimonials please enjoy this beautiful Soul Sisters client testimonial:


This last year I embarked on a painfully brave journey to heal. I was sickened with a lack of confidence, no boundaries, and I was burnt out. I recognized that I was neurotic and in full-blown fight or flight mode. I had “success” or at least success in the way that society views it. Yet, inside of myself I was spiraling. I became apathetically disassociated with the world, I was always sick to my stomach no matter what I put in it. I felt defected, even my dreams turned into nightmares that were haunting me.

I knew that I needed to change and in a really big way. The projection of my own future seemed grim. A friend of mine acted as a conduit and introduced me to a woman by the name of Tawnya Love. At first I was completely hesitant. I thought to myself do you truly have anything to lose? i’ve had countless therapists and been on medications that were more harm than good. I had tried so many things. I had never heard of an Auric Clearing or anything similar. I decided to speak with Tawnya.

Tawnya’s voice was warm and reassuring. She gave me a little bit of information and some resources for me to check out on my own but didn’t push me in anyway. She held so much space for me. I really enjoyed her approach and the way that I felt when interacting with her. I decided to take a chance.

How could I even begin to put into words the experience that I had with Tawnya ? Trying  to crystallize that experience on to paper could never do it justice, I tried, there are no words great enough. We talked about attachment, there was soul coaching, and when she performed the Auric Clearing itself – I can’t even begin to tell you how out of body I felt and the way that I experienced her energy transcending into my being.

When interacting with Tawnya it did not take me long to figure out that she was an extraordinarily talented and powerful individual. Her ability to pick up and read me was beyond chance alone, she truly has a gift like nothing I’ve seen – it’s so unearthly. Tawnya spent a lot of time with me and poured out a lot of her own energy and emotion into me, my body, and my human experience. Tawnya is a mentor, a teacher, & a true healer. I’ve never felt anything other than a type of maternal sisterly love.

After just one Clearing with her there was such a huge physiological and psychological shift for me. I physically felt better, my stomach felt better, my lower back felt better. I had more clarity and was able to better focus on my thoughts. Since then I’ve been practicing the action items that Tawnya gave me. She allowed me the gift of being able to call back my own power and she helped me to release my trauma. she pulled out the black and replaced it with light.

The most beautiful part of this is it’s not a secret recipe or anything that she keeps from people. Tawnya Love will give you every tool that she has in her toolbelt to help you manifest your own reality. She even produced a ascension manual that I just purchased and I’m excited to read titled, “Universal Trust Fund Baby”.

I used to wake up scared every morning. Today I am awakened & manifesting my own reality. I am concentrating on getting myself into a place of enlightenment. It’s a complete game changer. I am healthy & powerful, no longer a victim of myself.

Regardless of any hesitation or skepticism please give yourself the gift of interacting with Tawnya Love

✨ Visit: MindfulnessMastery888.Com to schedule your in person or remote Angelic Auric Clearing and or Soul Coaching Sessions 💗🙏💗 ✨

How can YOU benefit from receiving an Intuitive Angelic Auric Clearing?


How can YOU benefit from an Intuitive Angelic Auric Clearing?

By clearing your body, mind, and auric field you will balance your Chakras. As you realign your energy centers AKA Chakras you will notice positive shifts in these areas:

*Heal physical ailments swiftly and often instantly. As most illness is truly a misalignment in your energy and emotional body.

*Heal deep inner emotional trauma sometimes this energy is known, however often this energy arises and has been suppressed unconsciously. This will assist you as you let go of any need to punish yourself emotionally as well as mentally. A powerful transformation begins within yourself as you embody Self Love. Call back ALL your power that you have given away over lifetimes~

*You will release negative energies and entities often carried with you from lifetimes. Clear deeply held belief systems and unconscious hard wired cellular memory. As you release the lower vibrational energies and entities you align with higher vibrations and raise your frequency…this makes ALL the difference in your health, happiness and maintaining your alignment.

*You will experience quantum shifts in your focus and awareness. Your mind will become clear, calm and centered. Which assists you in channeling higher consciousness more easily and naturally…ALL Great for your abilities to manifest what you truly desire and maintain a calm peaceful clear mind.

*After an Intuitive Angelic Auric Clearing You WILL manifest more powerfully and swiftly. As you align and activate your Unity Consciousness You are ONE with Source and have cleared all the lower frequencies that were disrupting your natural flow. Now you are in such a high vibration that your desires will manifest very quickly…When I state that Miracles await you after you receive an Angelic Auric Clearing…I speak truth!

You now align and manifest from your higher self, rather than shallow physical wants and needs…As you vibrate from your center and higher self this positive energy will positively affect your life in amazing ways…Are you ready?

Self Love

Let’s set up your first Angelic Auric Clearing and Call those Miracles Forth!

I AM Ready for positive Shifts for You and this planet…Question is are you ready to take action? Are You ready to BE the change you desire? Are YOU ready to do YOUR work so YOU will thrive? I am here to assist you and support you as you shift in miraculous ways.

When you contact me for your first session please consider these questions for when we meet:

*What are you ready to clear and release? (emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically…)
*What are you now ready to Call Forth? What are you ready to embody?
*What is holding you back from ALL you desire?
*Why make changes Now?

Contact Tawnya Love and the Angels 


The Universe Is supporting YOU, The Angels have summoned You to Me…Now what are you waiting for?


Your heart felt referrals are the Highest compliment ❤ Thank You for sharing the gifts I am here to offer

infinite Blessings, Tawnya Love And the Angels
